Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Famous Truffles : Easiest and Fanciest Recipe I know

As most people agree, we all hate our first jobs out of school. I was amongst those people. The one lasting treasure that I took away from my first job was this recipe. A coworker of mine had made these for a holiday baking party at work, and everyone was so impressed by how professional looking and tasting they were. So I thought that I would share this great recipe!

The recipe my coworker provided to me is below. It is the basic version of this great party favorite: 

Oreo Truffle
1 package of Oreo cookies (3 row package)
1 8oz. Package of Philadelphia cream cheese
Semi-sweet baker’s chocolate or chocolate chips

In a food processor, grind the Oreos until they are a fine dust. Mix with the cream cheese until the mixture is mostly black. It is best to chill the mixture for about 45 minutes, but not necessary. Roll the mixture into truffle-sized balls. Melt the baker’s chocolate and dip the Oreo balls until they are covered in the chocolate. Chill chocolate covered balls until chocolate hardens on wax paper covered cookie sheet.

To spice up this treat:
A way to make this recipe more exciting or different per occasion, is you can buy flavored Oreos or flavored syrup to add into the mixture. In the past I have bought peanut butter Oreos and the truffles came out with a very peanut buttery flavor. 

I also have bought strawberry Oreos, which made them very divine and perfect for a more special occasion, such as Valentines Day or a Holiday Party. Once the strawberry Oreos were discontinued, I was forced to buy strawberry syrup flavoring from a baking store. This didn't come out as well as the strawberry Oreos batch, but it was pretty damn delicious! 

The other fun way to decorate them is drizzling white chocolate on top, making them white white chocolate instead, drizzling some other syrup on top, or decorating with edible sparkles, jewels, sprinkles etc. See below for inspiration. The best store to go to for decoration and baking supplies is in New York is: NY Cake at 56 West 22nd St. Between 5th and 6th. Avenues. 

The Melted Semi Sweet Chocolate

My Truffle Platter for the Holidays


If you make these, please share images of your creations! 

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